
Accommodation is a critical need for many children, particularly orphans and vulnerable children. In rural areas of Uganda, there is a concerning increase in the number of households living in temporary accommodation. These trends highlight the urgent need for stable housing for these children.

Facts about housing for vulnerable children:

– Many children currently lack stable accommodation.
– Some homeless children are forced to live on the streets.
– Orphaned children often find themselves in temporary accommodation.

Children living in poor housing conditions face numerous health risks, including a higher likelihood of developing respiratory issues such as coughs. They are also at an increased risk of severe illness and disability during childhood and early adulthood. Overcrowded living conditions can further increase the risk of contracting diseases like meningitis.

At Fervent Faith Orphanage, we believe that every child deserves a safe and stable place to call home. Through our programs, we aim to provide not just shelter, but a nurturing environment where children can thrive and grow. Join us in our mission to provide secure housing for vulnerable children and give them a brighter future.